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Memorial of Izrael Moiseevich Gelfand

20 Aug. (2 Sept.) 1913 - 5 Oct. 2009

Organized by

Department of Mathematical Methods in Biology,
A.N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology

November 20, 2009. 17:30

Moscow State University
Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics (lab.building "B")
Auditorium 221

Izrael Gelfand claimed that Science is United. He followed this claim in his works.

This is why we try to present in one aditorium a number of short talks of great mathematicians, computer scientists, medicians, biologists and educationalists that worked with Izrael for a long time.
The dream is that the seminar may shed light for young scientists on remarkable Gelfand's personality.

Everybody who knew I.Gelfand or would like to know more about him are kindly invited to the seminar.

Map of location

Contact: Andrei Alexeevski