please do # The following script is a demonstration of # how to select prosite patterns, save residues of the pattern # show and hide residues and labels # and rotate the molecule (with a pause between frames # that can be provided by the user during the script execution). open pdb from "net" "1CRN"; # ----------- example of prosite pattern search ---------- $SEL1 = select in "1crn" seq "C-C-x(5)-R-x(2)-[FY]-x(2)-C"; show res, side, label of $SEL1; print "nb residues in motif: " + (string)selcount of "1crn"; # ----------- example of save (not in usrstuff, just for the demo) ---------- if (get gCurrentOS == "SGI") { $savefilename = "/tmp/mypdb.pdb"; } else { if (get gCurrentOS == "MAC") { $savefilename = "System:mypdb.pdb"; } else { $savefilename = "C:\Temp\mypdb.pdb"; } } select $SEL1; save selection of "1crn" as $savefilename; $ALL = select in "1crn" all; $SEL2 = $ALL - $SEL1; # ----------- example of loop with rotate view and delay ---------- # - first, ask the user how many seconds to pause between frames. $DELAYSTRING = readln from user "please, enter the delay between frames in seconds"; $DELAY = (float)$DELAYSTRING; # - then, do the rotation, hiding and showing residues not in pattern. $X = 0; $MUSTSHOW = 0; do { if ($MUSTSHOW == 1) { show res of $ALL; $MUSTSHOW = 0; } else { hide res of $SEL2; $MUSTSHOW = 1; } rotate <10.0,0.0,0.0>; pause $DELAY; $X++; } while ($X < 36); thank you